Photo by Daring Wanderer

Photo by Daring Wanderer




I’m a thirty something mom of one adorable little boy and one hilarious fur babe. I’m married to a traveling musician. I run my own photography business who photographs weddings, love stories, family sessions and more recently really dove hard into the motherhood world. I believe photography is more than just images but the most magical way to remember the really good things that we might forget as days pass on by.

I love hard. I give my heart to people who appreciate and care for me. I don’t believe in fleeting friendships or people who don’t make an effort. I am an excellent parallel parker, I love more smokey notes when it comes to perfume, I have a wicked sweet tooth and listen to really sad music. I have the kind of humor only some people seem to get, I am a terrible singer and sing way too much. I believe in second chances and that things happen the way they are suppose to. I feel hard and I wake up pretty happy (which my husband still isnt used to lol). I drink my coffee at a painfully slow pace and I don’t drink enough water.




THIS IS A PASSION PROJECT, FOCUSING ON WOMEN, MOTHERS and the Roles of both and how they dance together.


The blog begun when I found out I was pregnant. For a long while I never shared the journal entries as I imagined what motherhood would be like. Then I had Oscar. Things weren’t the unicorn and rainbows like I saw online, saw amongst friends and imagined. I felt isolated, damaged and alone. Then, I started to share my story and soon I found out I wasn’t alone. So often these stories aren’t shared and so this blog took a turn…..

It became so much more than just those beautiful stories filled with rainbows and unicorns (and those stories DO exist). It’s just that there are all sorts of stories, experiences and journeys. This blog serves to share ALL the stories and focus on all the roles women go through in life through friendships, through motherhood and through work. Hopefully something here resonates with you!






I’ve recently launched a podcast with my good friend, Jessy from Bows & Lavender. It’s called the Heart Club Hub. There we talk candidly and honestly about being two thirty somethings in Toronto, owning their own businesses, both married women, both fur mamas (and, one of us being the mom of a toddler, me!). We dive into conversations that cover all sorts of things from the roles we lead as women, business owners and avid coffee drinkers. It’s a lifestyle podcast to encourage people to own their truth, to be authentic in their daily practice and to always live with heart.

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