a-frames & baby bumps

Anthony gets his photo taken a lot, so when it comes to us, it’s all selfies and photos of us with Lucy (one of us behind the camera, and the other in front). Often I’m behind the camera, taking the cute candid. Having this belly documented with us both in the photo was something really important to me. And, Anthony knew that. The poor guy knew that meant hiring only the most perfect person for it, and because photography is the world I live in, I’m a tad picky. And when it comes to maternity photos, I will do anything to avoid the cheesey photos with hands on my belly in the shape of a heart, or little booties sitting on top of the belly (sorry- just not me, but if you like it, that’s cool! You do you!)

And my man, scored some mega big points knowing who exactly to reach out to. After realizing we had this small little window where we could possibly go to Seattle to get our maternity photos taken, he reached out to one of my favourite photographers, who was distance wise, quite close to where we would be. I’m talking about none other than the beautiful and totally bad ass lady (and insanely TALENTED of course) Laurken Kendall.

I've been a huge fan of her work for a long time and never really thought I'd be able to do a shoot with her. But all of sudden things lined up and it was looking like this actually might happen. And, it did happen.

And - it was AWESOME.

We drove from Vancouver, where Anthony was playing the Juno’s, to Seattle. We stayed in this cute little A-Frame cabin in the middle of Mount Rainer. It was quite an adventure getting there and really wasn’t a babymoon like we might have dubbed it. Like most things we do, it involved problem solving and trusting our instincts, like when we lost service just after missing our turn off and almost ended up driving off the main road into the woods just after dark. But, we found our way and managed to even pick up some groceries on the way to the cabin.

In the morning, I was fed a mean breakfast sandwich and got to spend time snuggling my man, all documented by one of the most inspiring, and coolest ladies I’ve ever met.

Here are some of my favourites from our shoot with her. They make me smile every time I look at them.

Ps. Hey Laurken, thank you for letting me wear your shirt… I ended up buying my own ‘cause I love it so much.
