at home with lucy & the belly

One of the milestones of women's lives I don't photograph too often is the time of their pregnancy. Those shoots we call 'maternity sessions'. Most of the time, women don't want to document their pregnancy, as they feel uncomfortable in the changes their bodies are going through. At least that seems to be the take I have from what others have shared when saying they were definitely not going to have their photo taken.

I'm 37 weeks pregnant as I write this and currently have my feet up on the coffee table, due to some not-so-fun swelling in my legs and ankles. I am definitely not invisible to the not-so-fun parts of being pregnant. But, despite the swelling and constantly being told how big I look, being pregnant has been the first time in my life that I've truly felt really comfortable in my body. I think it's pretty important to document the changes I'm going through because a photo brings you back to that moment and the feelings of that time. And, I have no idea how I'll feel after the babe comes, but I truly do love my body while being pregnant.

I asked two women who’s work I am inspired by and moved by, to photograph me. Yes, two.

I think being pregnant has made me a touch vain LOL just kidding... but I dunno maybe?!!?

My first shoot was with Joanna Crichton.

I've been a huge admirer of her work for a while. I've been following along with her life and work via instagram. There is something about her & her work that speaks to me on this level of peace and beauty. Her images make you feel things in your heart and they deeply draw you in. There is this beautiful intimacy in each one of her images. The vulnerability she captures with a single frame carries such strength and beauty all at once.

I’m deeply intrigued by her work in a way that makes me want to go through her instagram for hours and hours.

If you haven't seen her work already, I really think you should. It's breath taking. 

I was so honoured that she said yes to working with me. I asked her if our home was ok for the shoot, so insecure of its tiny condo vibe, but she thought it was important to shoot there. Me in my home with my little Lucy.

These are some of my favourite images from our session at home with Lucy and the bump.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Joanna xo
