second trimester

Hello Second Trimester! Second Trimester is from week 13 to 27. We are currently in week 22 as of yesterday, so it's been a whole 10 weeks. Apparently they call this the "Honeymoon Period" because some of the challenging things start to lesson themselves and the pregnancy gets a little easier.


Here are some things that define or paint the picture of 2nd trimester for me:

- I have no cravings, except milk which only started around week 15. I crave so much milk. I can’t get enough milk.

- I have TERRIBLE acne on my chin, all over my back and my chest. It's making me miserable.

- My hair is not thicker, and it's not not falling out like everyone raves about. I am jealous of those people who's hair is all luscious and super thick because mines still falling out like normal and it’s not getting thick like I always hear about from other pregnant mamas.

- From week 13 until week 19 I would wake up at 3am and nothing would help me fall back asleep.

- My nausea went away which is nice, although I think it's because I started to eat enough. I didn't really have morning sickness though, but nausea around eating was a thing for me.

- I started showing around week 9, but only in the evenings. I would wake up not looking pregnant, then by the end of the day would be totally showing.

- I start showing full time (like waking up looking pregnant too) around week 12. 

- I now am being asked if I am having twins and even on some occasions three babies (at week 22).

- We felt our first for sure movement together. Anthony tends to leave his hand on my belly when watching tv (again around week 22).

- Last night the baby was fluttering around during any part of the movie with loud music. The baby's gonna love music that's for sure!
