boy or girl?

We are waiting until our babe arrives for us to know the gender.

Honestly, boy or girl, it doesn't matter. We just want a healthy babe. That's all that is of importance to us!

It's pretty awesome to find out after a long wait, and when you do, it's as you meet them. You don't get a lot of surprises in life, but this is one that we are pretty elated about.

But while we wait, seeing what others think has been oh-so fascinating.

Everyone has an opinion!!

Based off the heartbeat myth, my friend Jen has informed me that if it's over 150 beats per minute then it's a girl. Ours was 150 beats per minute at our 6 week ultrasound. But every time we go to the midwives for our check up, the heart beat is slower and slower, so it's looking like a boy is more likely.

Based off the acne I've developed;  I think girl. And if it's a boy, its just cruel cause it's like I'm a 14 year old again,.

First person to say whether it was a boy or girl was a client; he said boy.

As I was leaving a wedding at Hotel Ocho the manager smiled and said, "I think it's gonna be a girl". 

At my holiday photographers festive party, my very intoxicated Greek friend said "Girl, its gonna be a girl. I can just tell by your aura!".

At almost five months pregnant, almost every other person says boy. Honestly, no one says girl anymore ... it's always "boy".

I had a random old man at Shoppers Drug Mart walk past me and in a quiet voice whispered "boy." It was like a drive by prediction. 

Closer to the end of my pregnancy I did a Motherhood Photoshoot series over the course of three days and each client would come in and every single one of them would predict "boy".

I wonder what Baby will reveal themselves to be?

Here is what the verdict is so far


People saying it's a boy: Shoppers Drug Mart Man, Ashley Readings, Dennis who plays with Anthony's band, Jane, all of my clients, the woman & man at the cannoli stand at Olga's UNCUFFED show. The uber driver who told me I didn't look to have gotten too ugly so it must be a boy. Every single person who attended my Motherhood sessions said it was a boy. Both my mom and mother in law think it's a boy. And, the list goes on and on and on.  The acupuncturist at the Herbal Clinic I have been going to said based on my heart beat in my wrist, it's definitely a boy (this was while I was there for inducing acupuncture).


People saying it's a girl: Kristyn (friend & past bride), the waitress at Luna, Kimon, Kayla Rocca & my friend Bettina who had a dream we had a baby girl playing with Lucy. Chloe; Ashley & Jeff's daughter who I've been photographing for 6 years, said it was a boy then changed to girl, and named her avocado. Wendy, my eyelash gal. Laura Rowe, and my oldest friend Meghan. My chiropractor Olivia said girl, but then when she saw me at 39 weeks pregnant, she said boy.


Because the popular vote has been consistently BOY, and this past week (writing now at 40 weeks pregnant) even Anthony thinks it's a boy, I decided to see what the people of instagram had to say.....

Verdicts in... still a boy! lol

Gender vs Sex

Anthony ended posting something on instagram recently (writing this at 40 weeks pregnant now) about whether the baby would be a boy or girl. Someone went off on him about the gender, how it's not a boy or girl, but a child. It's interesting the subject of that because part of the reason we haven't found out is that we don't really care, we just want a healthy and happy baby. The baby will come out with body parts of one sex or another, then the little one will make choices based off what they come to believe if they choose to be something different then we have assumed. We have "boy" toys in the home and we have "girl" toys. Most of the clothing items are gender neutral and in some cases, more male looking with the exception of the pink booties someone bought us. Everything we teach them will be not guided by sex but by life expression. I'm ok with our baby taking dance classes, and music classes. I am ok with them learning all about the world, politics, history and I'm welcoming them to wear whatever they want. I want them to follow their heart. I watched a commercial for the movie "A Kid Like Jake" and basically broke down in tears. I think our world is so hard and as much as it's moving forward, it's not. I hope that when our little one is a big one, they don't have to be scared of anything like how there is still fear being put into so many people for just being themselves.
