job pride

When thinking about one's career, it's such a big topic to me. An endless umbrella of "what about this?", "could I be this?", and "would this make me happy?".

Every single job, or career has pros & cons. Nothing is really perfect. You have to work hard and yet there are some people that hardly work and things just line up. Everyone's story is different, each path is unique. I tell myself this a lot when I get into a bad mindset of comparing myself, and wondering why my journey has been so much harder than others.

I believe that one should be ok with any profession, as long as there is joy (hopefully a lot, too) and a sense of pride. The kind of pride that maybe comes from accomplishing the work itself, or being a grown up & thus able to provide for those that depend on you by having this job. Not pride like being too proud to do it, that's something entirely different.

We live in a world where there are still people who are living pay cheque to pay cheque, and where people barely make ends meat. That same world also has people that can easily buy up a million dollar home, drive fancy cars and go on elaborate vacations on a whim, all in a years time not worrying about next year, and only planning bigger, better, things for them.  

Regardless of where you are, I think that people ought to start viewing all jobs with respect. The thing I struggle with is when people have too much pride in taking a job less than them, and they think they deserve better only because they've put themselves on a pedestal comparing themselves to others and even belittling others in the process.


If it doesn't serve you because it's just not for you, that is ok, but choosing to belittle something or someone is not the best way to go about it.

One thing I struggle with is how my own career is viewed.

I am a photographer. And, I photograph weddings.

Weddings, the word that immediately comes with an eye roll. The word that immediately connects cheesy poses & captures with unbearable moments. The photography that is deemed “easy and boring”. The photography that often has little worth put to it. The photography that is seen as the little brother no one talks about because he's just not that cool compared to the big brother who is the all star champion and the whole family cheers on at every single game. 

And, I resent that. I think it's so sad that this profession is seen as something so easy, effortless, and almost boring. People love to better themselves by belittling things they don't understand and I think this genre of photography is just that. It's not an easy profession and our job title doesn't even begin to cover what we actually take on as our responsibility. 

We aim to make people look good while capturing real moments, and wrangling all sorts of emotions, feelings, and hang ups. We get comments from people about things related and unrelated to what we are doing. We have to deal with family drama and it’s not even our own family drama. While doing our job we get the joy of interacting with people who think they are photographers, better than us, and don't stop suggesting we do things their way, or even going as far to tell us to do things they want. Often it's just so far out of line or so opposite our brand that it hinders us more than helps. And, it's just plain awkward. 

We work with all sorts of lighting, at any moment things could change and nothing is really even predictable. You can't really plan anything, you have to be ready all the time. We have to deal with weather affecting where we shoot, and then also the moods & reactions of the people in the photos we are shooting too. The people in front of our lenses are not models. The people we interact with all day to get the candids for our couples, are often funny about being photographed and don't understand that when they sabotage the photos, it's only hurting the couple and the memories. Our photos are suppose to stand the test of time, to live on for generations. All the time and money spent on one day, well - we capture that one day, and you gotta hope it matches, or is better than anything that couple could imagine. And, beyond that, we want to create something unique at each and every wedding. We want to create art and goose bump worthy images that make people FEEL. 

I get sad when this profession is not seen for the work and worth it should be. And, just because we aren't people who are making such an impact on the world as others, it doesn't mean our job is insignificant.

Other people in fields such a doctors, reporters and lawyers are seen to be the respectable ones making moves, changing the world and fighting for life to be better than it is. But, those aren’t the only careers that make a difference.


Why can't our profession be seen as one that has deep meaning, or a great deal of work to it? No one thanks the photographer outside of the wedding. There has been very few times that during speeches I’ve been thanked. The band and caterer gets an honourable mention while the photographer is standing directly in front of the person thanking everyone else.  I can count all the times I've been thanked at a wedding*.

In the beginning, my ego was hurt and bruised. Especially at the weddings of friends who I had gifted my services and no thank yous were said. But, now, it's just the norm and I don't blink twice. If anything, I'm shocked when I get a mention and it makes me almost uncomfortable.

I hope the next time you roll your eyes at wedding photos, you think a little harder about the importance behind them and the work that is put into creating them. I hope you remember we are all working hard, we are all facing hardships and we are all hoping someone just sees us & the work we are putting out there.

All jobs deserve love and the people doing them deserve to be seen, appreciated and respected. Each job serves a purpose and helps our world go round.

*hilariously since writing this post, my 2018 season was filled with non stop thank yous from my clients during speeches so I just gotta say THANK YOU to each one of you sweet souls that did that (I’m also wondering if you all found this blog before your wedding LOL jk ;) )
