life changing stick

It's kind of crazy to think all of a sudden everything changes.

We'd been trying to start a family since just after our wedding. Then after a year, the month we decided that maybe it was better, for work reasons, if we waited a few months, that same month everything lined up & boom…. pregnant. 

Timing lined up just right for the baby making without us realizing it, and for us to find out together that we were pregnant. That year leading up to finding out we were pregnant, Anthony was gone A LOT.

Anthony was only home a few days of the whole month and like most months, me being stressed about work; it jiggled some body things around and everything just worked out in favour of baby.


His job makes things a little challenging when trying to plan anything as we don’t really have control over his schedule. Most birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays with the exception of Christmas as always up in the air because we never know if we will be together. Our jobs tend to add a little bit of challenges to our personal lives. So when it came to baby making and trying to plan things, we tried and tried but things weren’t always in our control. Back to the life changing discovery.

I came home from a shoot still not convinced my period was on it’s way. Even though the night before's pregnancy test confirmed it was negative; no baby. I just felt like it was wrong. So, I peed on another stick. When I turned it over, we stared at it.

Positive. "Yes +"

Then butterflies, then happy tears and so much celebration. I felt like I blacked out a bit too.

Then almost disbelief.

What if it was wrong?!

SO, I forced a dribble out of me and hello second positive. A day later, still in disbelief. I peed on one more. Positive. Anthony asked me to stop peeing on sticks at that point.

And yet still, a week later, when my doctor walked in smiling saying congratulations, I was still in disbelief. Anthony was laughing at me when I said maybe I had menopause. "No babe, you're pregnant. We are having a baby."

We are having a baby.
