the reactions

Oh, the reactions.

Telling our family and friends was a rush. Every person's reaction was totally different.

The first wave was my favourite. I told four girlfriends who have been my rock in this chapter.

Each at a different time and each made it all so special.

My very close friend Nikki and I were taking photos for a collab I was doing with Anthropologie and while I had the camera on, and we were waiting for the rain to settle a bit on that dreary fall day, I decided to share my excitement.

The excitement in being pregnant was obvious, but the reason for being nervous was for two reasons.

One, I've had bad luck a lot in my life and I was so nervous about something going wrong in my pregnancy. The second reason was because the baby's birth would affect work, and I would have to eventually share with some clients that I wouldn't be able to shoot their weddings. I was beyond scared and nervous to share this with them. And, because of the first reason of being nervous, we decided to wait until 3 months to share it with anyone beyond our little secret keepers.

The next wave of people to find out came around my birthday. ,

We were in London for a show Anthony's band was headlining. It was the day of my birthday and we don’t usually get to spend my birthday together, so it was a bit of a treat we were in the same city on my birthday (I’m totally one of those people that LOVES birthdays but usually has a terrible day on that day… guess the cats out of the bag now… ‘cause I’ve never shared how much I love birthdays lol). I posted the photo above of myself with the goals of the upcoming year and reflections of the past year on to instagram. I even posted the same line "this year was amazing, next year is gonna be a whole other adventure", that I posted the year before. I’m not kidding, the same sentence. And, I made sure to read the whole thing out loud to Anthony while he was getting ready, just in case anything sounded like I was talking about more, like being pregnant which no one knew. He said we were good, and so I hit publish on my post. 

When I got to the concert, to the backstage area, Anthony pulled me aside and said that people were on to us. Not cause of my belly which was very obviously showing, but thankfully hidden under a big sweater, but because of my post. Insert confused hands up in the air emoji person in the purple top (why can’t I change the colour of the top!?).

The funny thing was that most of the people who were asking him if I was pregnant were people I didn't know. They just followed me on social media . But there they were standing in the same room as me, and didn't even come up to wish me a happy birthday. It was really strange to me and I think has been playing into how much I share and what I share online now.  Suddenly I got a little protective about our news. Towards the end of the night I chilled out a bit and then of course two lovely ladies I did know, who did say Happy Birthday, offered up their minds about what they also thought was going one. One being a professional reporter, said she just knew, and I had no poker face to deny it. The other lovely lady raised her eyebrows to the bottle of water in my hand, and chuckled when I said, "I'm hydrating". "Sure, hydrating". Anthony laughed about this later saying that was the most obvious give away because in a room full of free booze & people who LOVE to drink, me drinking water on my birthday was a dead give away. But, I think because already so many people were guessing and earlier in the evening we did tell our parents, I just forgot that I was suppose to pretend my red cup had booze in it.

And speaking of parents, oh boy. We told them over dinner before Anthony’s concert. Well, a cake told them. My friends at Bake Shoppe made us the most perfect cake with just the words "we're pregnant" delicately written across the top. When the waiter brought the cake to the table, it took a solid minute for our parents to realize what it did in fact say. It was pretty hilarious. Anthony's parents thought the waiter brought the wrong cake and my mom was just smiling at me totally unaware about the news. But, once they realized what it said, insert all the excitement and celebrations.
