third trimester

It's here. The third trimester.  Honestly, I feel like the whole thing has flown by. It’s like I blinked and suddenly we are only a little bit away from meeting our little nugget. I am starting to feel totally unprepared and not ready. I wish there was more time. I am having all these feelings like I should have done more before, but this little one is about to be here and meeting them makes my heart dance.

Painting my third trimester experience:

- My emotions are pretty even keel and not all over the place (which surprises me) although I can’t watch any movies about children being kidnapped and animal movies break my heart.

- Hello swelling! Around week 32 the swelling started. My ankles disappeared. I had to start elevating my feet and even laying on my back again with my feet in the air, which I had already done plenty of this in trying to get pregnant lol

- I cut bangs right around the time that my face swelled up and got rounder which didn’t really make me look at cute as I thought I would look with bangs

- I began to waddle at week 36

- Heartburn is INTENSE. I kept tums everywhere. They were in my camera bag, my purse, next to my bed, in the coffee table and in the car. And by week 38 I couldn’t eat tomotoes, or have salad dressing with vinegar.

- This is a weird one, but I don’t smell like me.

- I started to really indulge in treats like cookies and sweets around week 38.

- Skin tags started to show up on my body.

- The baby had the hiccups all the time

- My hands are swollen and I have trouble moving my fingers in the morning, especially my left thumb which clicks non stop and I have to use my other hand to bend it back and forth until blood gets to it and it can bend on its own.

- I cannot get out of the bathtub on my own

- I started to get nausea in this trimester.
