Stories from a pandemic

I think so many of us dream of a life we hope to live. But, whether those dreams unfold as we planned or hoped, is not always the case.

Life has a funny way of unraveling and this year, this year all of us were thrown a big curveball when a pandemic took hold of our world.

But the thing is that, even though so many of us feel like life has halted, well … life never stops.

Whether we are out on the front lines or being asked to sit, stay home; life continues to move forward.

And so, all those things in life keep happening, but maybe in some way, being given the time to sit, stay home, or being given the space & time to really look at life, maybe we have been able to see things more clearly or take time to really see what life should or could be like.

Stories from a pandemic (the working title) is a series of stories of women who are going through something raw, real, & deeply big in their lives during the pandemic of 2020. But, these stories wouldn’t be complete without a follow-up, a follow up to share the growth after the waves settle. When the world has settled and things feel like they have healed, I will re-interview every single woman to share their story in how it has shifted and shaped.

This series is to share the stories of our lives, and how they continue to unfold even during the wild time of covid-19. These stories are being brought to life to share life, in all its beauty & heartbreak, but more than that to share the development over time. It’s to share the strength of all the women involved and to share some of the things that are often left from being talked about.

These stories are to bring focus to all the things that happen in life. They are to show the development of these stories. And its to show how different yet similar our lives can be while we all go through something big together.

Women. Mothers. Wives. Business owners. That’s who I am looking to interview.

Nothing is off the table.

Through a series of questions, I ask you to share your story. You can touch on any things that feel relevant to your story or what you’ve gone through (or are still going through).

marriage | dating | being alone | divorce | birth | getting pregnant | waiting to have your child | integrating another child | working while parenting, all at home | losing a child | health issues | death | loss | happiness | sadness | worries | family issues | growth | lessons coming to light | darkness taking over | alignment

What is your story?

All stories will be anonymous and retold to honour your story but through my words.

For any questions, or to be included fill out the form below, or email me at
If this feels like something you want to be a part of, I look forward to hearing from you. My love.