Mama Bites

I’m so excited to share with you one of my new favourite company that has just launched its website and is taking orders now!

Mama Bites is a Toronto based company (but ships all over Canada) that carries delicious nutrient-dense bite-size snacks made with love to feed mothers. They are full of ingredients that not only boost one’s energy (which as mamas we need as much as we can- especially in those first few weeks to months after giving birth) but also encourage milk production for those who are breastfeeding. BUT, they are not just for the breastfeeding mama, they are for all mamas because all mamas need some good energy and they are packed full of ingredients to keep us going whether we are breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, running after our littles, doing all the things beyond taking care of our littles and they are made to ensure that us mothers, take a few bites of time to care for ourselves.

The woman behind the brand is non-other than a past bride of mine who’s become a good friend, and someone I’m deeply inspired by. Alicia has a heart of gold and her dedication to taking care of others is something that makes her one of the best ladies I know. Plus she’s the mother to two wonderful boys Sawyer & Hayden, who will melt your heart in one hot second! She is based in Toronto and one of the kindest souls I’ve ever met.

Here is a little more from Alicia herself", “Mothers sacrifice their own physical and mental well-being to ensure their children are taken care of and prioritized. For centuries mothers have had a community of female counterparts, best known as a 'village' to help with raising their children as well as taking care of each other. The village teaches, supports and nourishes one another as they embark on this new chapter: motherhood.

Today motherhood looks a lot different. The joy of introducing our babies to friends and family has been taken away, and support systems that we once took for granted are simply not allowed. The saying is true; it takes a village to raise a child. Unfortunately, there are many women who don't have a village. 

I truly believe that having a 'village' is essential to raising a child. Of course you can do it without, but no one should have to. In the absence of 'the village', and with the desire to nourish, care and support new mothers on their feeding journey and beyond I created Mama Bites.​

Whether a mother is breastfeeding, bottle feeding, weaning, or simply rocking a colicky baby all night long it's important for her to be fed as well. Mama Bites are nutrient dense snacks made of ingredients which encourage milk production, boost energy levels, and are made with so much love to ensure every mother knows they are never alone on this wild ride”.

Hop on over to Mama Bites and place an order for yourself or for a new mama in your life. As a mama myself, I wish this company existed when I was in the early days of newborn life with my son, Oscar, because too often I was the last person I remembered to take care of and a company like this would have been so amazing. I still remember trying to find snacks that would be great to eat in the middle of the night while I was up alone breastfeeding, trying to stay awake and hoping would be good for me instead of something to leave me feeling sluggish and unfulfilled. And I can confirm these are amazing because I managed to nibble on them while photographing for Mama Bites. I’ve been so excited for her launch day because as soon as the site went live, I place an order for me, and one for a new mom in my life; I’m so excited for her to have the box of bites arrive at her doorstep and knowing she will be enjoying them soon enough, and feeling that extra love and support from such a yummy and good snack that helps on her motherhood journey too.