our little blub.

Our first ultrasound was the dating ultrasound. It was at 7 weeks and 5 days. We were able to see our little babe, in a non human like form. I watched Anthony's face most of the time (the tech had the screen facing away from me so it's not that I wasn't looking at the baby, I just had no way to). The moment he realized that it was what we were looking for, his eyes got a little bigger and there must have been dust in there cause they got a little extra glossy. Wink Wink.

Our first nickname and probably only nickname besides "Baby" was "Blub". Anthony nicknamed the little one this. I tried for Peanut, Bub, Monkey and anything that was cute, but because our little Lucy is often called all of these things, the babe got tagged the Blub. 

The first ultrasound is so surreal because you really don't see a little person, it's more like this peanut shaped thing, and the placenta is that circle to the left of it. We got to hear the heartbeat too. It was fast which at the time I was thinking meant it was a girl but we didn’t know the sex and didn’t find out until the little one was born.'

We had an adventure going to the ultrasound clinic as it was in the middle of downtown and going by car was ridiculous as it took us almost 30 mins to find parking. But we drove because we were lucky enough to get into three midwife clinics and had an appt with two of them that same day, one before and one after the ultrasound appt.

I was all nerves that day. When it comes to me (and Anthony would probably say that same about himself) I'm not particularly lucky, well - with the exception of finding, loving and marrying my main man. Things tend to go wrong often, so I get nervous about all things relating directly to me.

I was so nervous about this first visit I almost made myself sick thinking about if we'd see a heart beat. But, we were lucky because everything went really well except my general discomfort of holding 1 litre of water in my bladder for the appt.

Advice: have your phone camera ready just in case the ultrasound clinic's printer is broken ( like the one we went to). As the tech was about to release us she mentioned that the printer was broken and they couldn't give us a photo of the ultrasound - but we could quickly take one on our phone. Thank goodness for 2018 and cameras on phone. This first photo of the babe was one I wanted to keep so I'm glad we got it.
