when this started.

Oh hi.

If you are reading this, then you are starting where this began. One thing you should know is that as I write this, it’s 2017. I have no idea when this blog will see the light of others screens, other than my own.

So, hello there. 

Here’s the thing, this is all from the heart. These are my words, from the heart on any given day. This is me, just me, in all my rawness and realness. This is the place for all the things that I want to share, but are better left off my photography site, because although I am the same person thru and thru, this is something much more personal for those looking for a place to be inspired, or just hear the story of a girl sharing her journey. Or, for those going through the same thing… you are not alone.

With only one month left to 2017, after a whole lot of thought, I've decided to start this lifestyle blog. It’s going to be a hilarious feat, as I have been struggling to keep up to date with my professional blog. Here is hoping I can conquer both!

Here you'll find posts about my life and the loves in it. You'll find dad jokes through the form of my terrible one liners and you'll learn that I write the way I talk (or at least my husband says I do). You'll find me writing about the things I love, places I love, things that need to be said (at least I think they should be), rants, real talk and things that I want to put out into the universe.


This is me.  A Sagittarius. A November baby. Living in Toronto, in Queen West, a place I've loved since I officially lived in Toronto. I love coffee and one cup takes me hours to finish. Although lately I've barely had any and miss it terribly! I find parallel parking sexy. I love the smell of rosemary, lavender and anything smokey. I stopped wearing perfume for about two years and am now completely in love with La Labo's Vanille 54 & Santal 33.

I love that the area I live in has been my home for almost seven years and I know the faces & names at all my local spots. I love the little routines Anthony & I have set up even with our irregular schedules. I love open windows and I play my music way too loud in the car. I'm a terrible singer, and I sing often. I have a CKCS who's my world and the sassiest little fur ball you'll ever meet. 

I used to have only male friends growing up, but now have found friendship in both men & women. But, I have very little trust in most women because of life events that have left some deep wounds, but the women I do trust are my world. I feel we learn by experience, and although some aren't great experiences, each one teaches us. I believe in community. I really like this point in my career where the community is the most positive. I do feel incredibly old in my community though. I will quit my job when I no longer love what I do. I get sad when people let their business get bigger than them and lose sight of the people that helped them get started. I value honesty, and the women who help each other out instead of stepping on each other to get to where they want to go.

I love fall. I love the Nutella Bombalone's from Sud Forno. Old Fashions are my cocktail. I drink really expensive champagne and have more than a few bottles in our fridge at any given time. Natural light and lots of it is the number one thing when looking for a place to call home. It took me years to get to where I am in my career and I'm still not where I want to be, but I think it's vital to always keep moving, growing and learning.

That's just a little part of who I am. You'll have to keep reading if you are interested in more. And it's gonna be personal, like I said. It's gonna be real. It's gonna be from the heart and from my own experiences. I'm not saying this is the guide book of life, but just my version of how I feel about life.

Thanks for coming along on this adventure.
