this is the best part

Last night I sat at our kitchen island and watched my family interact, giggle, play and do absolutely nothing but just be together. My little family of four; Anthony, Oscar, our little pup Lucy and myself.

There was nothing epic happening, nor had anything happened all day.

We went for a walk, put Oscar down for a nap, I showered and went to a shoot that lit my heart on fire with inspiration. Then I came home and met my boys coming home from a walk. I nursed Oscar to sleep, chatted with Anthony until he woke up, then we went for another walk and over tea we talked about things I can’t even remember now. We came home and ate dinner together.

It was perfectly us. And, perfectly wonderful.

It was just simple and sweet.

And, I watched as my husband and my son made silly faces at each other. I watched as Anthony played dj with songs Oscar couldn’t help but wiggle and grove to. Lucy moved around his high chair hoping for food to fall and dodging pieces of food he threw to the floor when she thought nothing was coming.

We have been through so much. We know it.

But, we got out the other side and as we still navigate over new changes, it doesn’t feel as hard like it did before. Even the tricky things. We take things with more calm, more thought and more ease.

And it just feels happy.

In all the roles, all the places my life has been, this truly is the best part.