hello world, a new lifestyle blog is here

It has happened.

If you are reading this, then welcome!

I’ve done it!! I’ve finally hit “Hello!” or publish on this love filled blog of mine all about motherhood, and the roles of women, especially the roles of working women.

I’ve decided to start the blog with content, oh the content. There are more than a few posts you can dive into.

You might get through it all, you might not. This might be for you, or it might not be.

I’m not an expert on being a mother, I’m only just learning, but I do know myself, my son, our family and the experiences that have gotten us to this day.

When writing this blog, it started with this bright eyed view of motherhood, only to have everything shift when I actually entered the role of mother. I felt alone and was so saddened that it wasn’t like all the blogs and the happy fairy tale depiction of motherhood I’d seen all this time. There are some posts that reading them now, shock me, but also bring me back to the place I once was, only a few months ago, that feel like years ago. It took me until now to decide to publish it all because in a way I’ve been able to understand so much of what we went through, and the process of writing and being open has been healing. I’ve seen the light and feel stronger about sharing my story knowing that there is this beautiful light even though I deeply didn’t believe it. Things aren’t perfect, but that’s life. Things will change over and over again still. My experience is one that I didn’t really know of and because of that I felt scared and isolate. There are so many sides to motherhood, and motherhood shifts and change. But in seeing the full spectrum of experiences, I think we can truly understand each other, our experiences and be there to pick each other up when we need the support to get us to a better place.

Here, you’ll find my thoughts, my experiences as a mom, a working mom, a wife and someone that believes in being honest about our stories in hopes to never let anyone feel alone, alienated or broken. And, remember this is just my experience, and it may not be everyones at all. We are all so unique, as are our experiences in all aspects of life.

You’ll also find the Matrescence series about motherhood which focuses on the fourth trimester and the experiences of mamas going through that period. I’ve worked with about 40 women and cannot wait to begin sharing their fourth trimester experiences in hopes to give a voice to all experiences in motherhood. Some stories are heart breaking, some empowering; but all beautiful in their own way.

And, it’s not all about mothers and babes. I’ll be focusing on women in work and the women I admire here in Toronto.

This blog is about women, about their stories and the beauty of the lives we live.

Thank you for being here and I hope you keep coming back.
